Hi Volker, I have a question to ask about the Thread General Information in the Eve app.
This is when in Eve app - Settings - Thread Network and then any device.
Could you explain what the different pieces of information are.
For example what is the Heart Beat and what the number means. Is a low number or high number good/bad. And the Sleep Interval. I have the Eve door/window and it shows 5000ms and I have two Nanoleaf Essentials light bulbs and they show 0ms. I am guessing the difference is because Eve door/window is battery and Nanoleaf is ac powered.
But really wondering about the Heart Beat and what it is and if low or high number is good/bad.
I know you can't talk about product plans.
But I am hoping that Eve does the Eve Motion and the Eve Power Plug and the Light Switch for the US soon.
I would also be very interested in seeing Eve do a light bulb.
Of course all with Thread support.
Thanks for you time.
Feb 11, 2021