CAS D'USAGE HomeKit | Eve Aqua

Get more out of Eve Aqua with these 3 tips

Aug 2, 2022 - Par Lars - Commentaires

Two-way for twice the convenience

Turn your tap into an intelligent water outlet without tying up your only outdoor faucet.

A two-way tap connector is an easy and inexpensive way to install Eve Aqua on your outdoor faucet and still have an outlet to attach a garden hose, fill up your watering can and more. The separate turn valves allow you to control the flow from each outlet individually. That means you don’t have to turn off Eve Aqua and your automatic watering system to simply fill up the kid’s play pool or hose off your muddy mountain bike. Talk about convenience! And here’s an extra little tip that could save you a big headache: measure the space below your faucet to see whether you have enough room to install the two-way connector and Eve Aqua.

Set the scene for endless possibilities

Combine Eve Aqua with multiple watering systems and relax while you multitask.

Eve Aqua is made for much more than sprinklers. It comes with a universal hose connector that allows you to attach a wide range of watering devices. For example, Eve Aqua is perfect for automated drip irrigation systems for your potted plants. (Go here for more on that.) But that’s not all. Connect Eve Aqua to your outdoor misting system, and you can cool off on a hot summer day without getting up from your lounge chair. All you have to do is use HomeKit scenes in your Eve or Home app to switch between multiple devices and watering times. Siri takes care of the rest. Simply name the scene and pour yourself another iced tea. Say, for example, “Hey Siri, mist me!” to activate your misting system for one minute. Or “Hey Siri, water balcony!” to turn on your balcony drip system for 20 minutes. Or how about “Hey Siri, fill watering can!” to turn on the tap for ten seconds. It’s all about setting your scene, and the possibilities are endless.

Sprinkler schedules that sufficiently soak and systematically save

Save water while keeping your grass green by setting the optimal watering time, duration and frequency.

You should water your grass thoroughly once a week says BUND, a grassroots German NGO dedicated to preserving and protecting the environment. The water should soak down to the roots, ideally about 15-20 centimeters. To determine if you’re watering long enough, use a thin wooden stick or a spade to check how deep the water has seeped. Then use the Eve App to set the required watering duration. Pick a day that works for you and set Eve Aqua to water early in the morning or late in the evenings, which are the best watering times of the day.


Augmenter la portée d’Eve Aqua

Si vous ajoutez un HomePod mini à votre maison, votre Eve Aqua (2e génération) compatible Thread peut communiquer via Thread, un réseau maillé capable d’atteindre les moindres recoins de votre logement. Tout est automatique : vous n’avez rien à configurer. Il vous suffit de placer un appareil FTD comme Eve Energy au plus près d’Eve Aqua. L’accessoire Eve Energy joue ensuite le rôle de nœud routeur et relaye les paquets de données d’Eve Aqua.

Contrôleur d'irrigation intelligent
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Nécessite iPhone ou iPad avec la dernière version d’iOS/iPadOS

HomeKit, maintenant compatible Thread
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Nécessite iOS/iPadOS 16.4 (ou version supérieure) / Android™ 8.1 (ou version supérieure, Contrôleur Matter / Thread Border Router 

Maintenant compatible Matter & Thread
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