Product Features | Eve Weather

All features of Eve Weather

Mar 14, 2023 - by Lars - Comments

Eve Weather combines the advantages of all types of weather monitoring solutions to give you insights come rain, wind, sun, or snow. Just like when using an app, you have lightning-fast access to the information you need when you need it – all without you having to share your location with third parties clouded in mystery. A quick glance at Eve Weather, and you know exactly what’s going on with the weather at your location – just like a regular weather station – but as Eve Weather records all its datasets, you can look back in time to see how today stacks up to previous days. And just like many other smart solutions, you get to enjoy a rich visual experience with historical data and trends presented graphically – all without you needing to register or use a cloud service or gateway. It’s because of this unique approach that Eve Weather blew away the jury of the renowned iF Design Award.

Eve Weather supports Bluetooth and Thread, and joins your Thread network automatically. Thread makes your smart home network more responsive, robust, and increases its reach – the only other thing you need is HomePod mini or Apple TV 4K (2nd generation).


Read on to learn how to set up and get the most out of Eve Weather.

Set up and location

Eve Weather comes with a CR2450 coin cell battery already fitted, and the accessory ships in hibernation mode so battery life isn’t impacted while it’s on its way to you. To wake up Eve Weather, simply press the button on the back. You’ll then see "HI" on the display, followed by the initial set of measurement results. Launch the Eve app and tap Settings > Add Accessory to include Eve Weather in your smart home setup. Then go to Settings > Accessories > [Eve Weather] > Elevation and check whether the value matches your location’s actual elevation so Eve Weather can provide calibrated air pressure measurements. 


Pro tip: If you’ve got yourself a new Eve Weather to replace an existing Eve accessory and you want to migrate your measurements, you can simply use the Eve app. Open the settings menu for Eve Weather and tap Migrate Measurements. The Eve app will then show you a list of accessories whose measurements you can migrate. To get going, simply choose the one you want — just make sure that the existing accessory is still included in your home setup.

While Eve Weather has a display and sensors that are designed to withstand whatever the weather throws at it (temperatures of -18 °C to +55 °C [0 °F to 130 °F], humidity levels of 0% to 100%, air pressure levels of 260 to 1260 mbar [7.7 to 37.2 inHg], and is armed with IPX4 water resistance), you still need to keep a few things in mind when setting up your Eve Weather to avoid false measurements. If you place your accessory in direct sunlight, it’ll heat up the housing and the surface on which you’ve positioned your accessory. You’re better off choosing a well-ventilated spot that’s always in the shade such as the north-facing side of your home. You should also avoid placing Eve Weather too close to the ground — instead, position it ideally 2 meters [6 feet] above ground level. You can even mount your Eve Weather on a tree, although be sure to protect your accessory from direct rain by locating it under something such as a bird house.

Eve Weather in the Eve app 

Just like the display on Eve Weather, the Eve app user interface also shows you a combination of the accessory’s readings.

In the Eve app, tap At A Glance followed by Edit. Tap the star icon next to the Eve Weather entry (the star should turn blue) to see Eve Weather directly when you open the Eve app. The tile displays the current temperature and tells you how this compares with previous daily highs and lows. Beneath that is the humidity level, with the weather trend and air pressure displayed in the third row. 

To edit the detail view of Eve Weather, simply tap Edit and customize the information to suit. If you’re more interested in the humidity level, tap and drag it to the top. And if you always want to know if Eve Weather is using Thread, display the Transport option. 

You can use Numbers or Excel on your iPhone, iPad, or even your Mac/PC to edit the measurements recorded by Eve Weather simply by exporting them. Tap the "i" icon below a graph, select Measurements in the new screen, and tap the sharing icon to access the export function. The export generates an .xls file, which you can also edit in Numbers.

Know what the weather's going to do

Eve Weather uses meteorological rules to forecast whether the weather’s going to change in the next 12 hours. To make this prediction, the accessory considers the local barometric pressure as well as if and how quickly this has changed over the past few hours. It’s a tried-and-tested approach that delivers reliable results throughout the year for most of the time and for most locations. In general terms, the weather trend function works as follows: Eve Weather knows if the barometric pressure is high, medium, or low. Based on the initial reading, the accessory categorizes changes as very strongly increasing, clearly increasing, constant, clearly decreasing, or very strongly decreasing. Eve Weather then takes this trend, i.e. the level of the initial reading and the varying degree of change, and works out if it’s going to turn sunny, the skies will remain clear, or if the skies are going to cloud over, it’s going to rain, or it’s going to turn stormy. The Eve app clearly depicts this via the graph in the Trend section of the Eve Weather detail view. For example, if the curve remains flat at normal barometric pressure (≥1009 ≤1022 hPA), the accessory and app display the cloudy icon; if the curve goes sharply up or down, a sunny or rainy trend is displayed respectively. 

Handy automations

Currently, HomeKit doesn’t notify you about outdoor temperature extremes. However, you can create a rule in the Eve app to get a smart heads-up — such as if the temperature has dropped below freezing overnight — by having your smart lamp glow blue (Eve Flare or Eve Light Strip). The rule will take data from Eve Weather about if a certain temperature has been reached, exceeded, or fallen below and then use this as a trigger to light up your lamp. That way, you’ll be pre-warned as soon as you get up that you’ll need to scrape ice off your car’s windshield or take extra care when cycling on icy paths.

Open the detail view of Eve Weather, tap Automation followed by Add Rule. Turn on the temperature trigger, tap the <= less-than-or-equal-to icon, set the temperature to -1.5 °C (34.7 °F), then tap Add followed by Next.

Now add a time condition. Set the TYPE to DAY EVENT, the RELATION to BEFORE, and the TIME to SUNRISE. This will prevent your light from turning on the evening before or during the night. Tap Add, then Next.

Tap Add Scene > Add Actions and navigate to the room where your warning light is located, then set Power to On and Color to Blue. Following that, tap Next. Name your scene, choose an icon, tap Next, then add a name for your rule.

Eve Weather in the Home app and with Siri

The Home app really is missing another trick with no support for air pressure as a service. Instead, it highlights the other two values recorded by Eve Weather: The temperature and the humidity level. They’re displayed along with the other status indicators on the Home or Rooms tabs, and in the form of a low and high reading if several sensors are present. To display readings that are as meaningful as possible, you can select – at least for the Home tab – which sensor readings you want to see. To do so, simply call up the settings for the accessory by tapping and holding the status indicator, then tapping and holding a service tile. Now tap Status and then choose whether you want the reading to be displayed by toggling the Include in Home Status switch. 


The Siri voice commands for Eve Weather are "What’s the temperature like in my [room name]?" or "How warm is it in my [room name]?" and "What’s the humidity level in my [room name]?" or "How damp is it in my [room name]?". If you don’t say the room name, Siri will not ask HomeKit but the Weather app instead.  


A soft reset will help if implausible readings do not normalize even after a few days. Simply use a coin to open the battery compartment, remove the battery, then wait 60 seconds before reinserting it. If you continue to experience issues, you can perform a factory reset. To do that, press and hold the reset button for ten seconds until you see "HI" on the display.

Increase the reach of Eve Weather

Add HomePod mini to your home and your Thread-enabled Eve Weather will be able to communicate via Thread – the mesh network that reaches even the farthest corners of your abode. This happens automatically without you needing to configure anything. Simply position a Full Thread Device, such as Eve Energy, as close as possible to your Eve Weather. The Eve Energy accessory will then act as a router node and relay data packets from Eve Weather.


To view the structure of your Thread network and see where you can make improvements, simply go to the Settings area of the Eve app and tap Thread Network. Among other things, you’ll be able to tell which node Eve Weather uses to communicate and whether you can further improve the stability and reach of your network and accessories by using an additional router node – such as by adding one more Eve Energy or moving one to a better location.


Connected Weather Station
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Requires iPhone or iPad with the latest version of iOS/iPadOS

HomeKit, supports Thread
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Eve Flare
Portable Smart LED Lamp
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Requires iPhone or iPad with the latest version of iOS/iPadOS

HomeKit, supports Thread
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Smart LED Strip
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Requires iPhone or iPad with the latest version of iOS/iPadOS, Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n) 

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Hallo Jörg, an den Meldungen zum Batteriestatus des Eve Weather arbeiten wir. Viele Grüße, Volker
Mar 16, 2022
Das Eve Weather zeigt im blinkendem Wechsel hi und die Temperatur an und hat warum auch immer keine Verbindung mehr. Batterie müßte voll sein, reagiert nicht auf den redet zehn Sekunden drücken. Immer nur hi und im Wechsel etwa ein zwei Sekunden Temperatur. Was ist passiert und wie behebt ich das Problem?
Feb 12, 2022
Hallo JMKio! Die Anzeige HI/Temperature sagt, dass die CR2450 Batterie durch eine neue zu ersetzen ist.
Viele Grüße, Volker
Feb 13, 2022
Prima, habe ich gerade auch….
Leider zeigt die Eve App als letzte Meldung an VOLLEN Batteriestand an!

Diesen Effekt habe ich übrigens auch schon bei Eve Door & Window entdeckt.
Kann es sein, dass eure Batterie-Auswertung gerade nicht so gut läuft?
Feb 17, 2022
Hallo Jörg,
wir arbeiten dran, sorry für dden rger. Viele Grüße, Volker
Feb 18, 2022
Mich irritiert die Darstellung der Temperaturkurven in der IOS App. Wie soll man die zwei Kurven in der Darstellung "Woche" deuten (ohne Vergleichen zu selektieren)? Wenn ich eine Woche sehen möchte, sollte das auch so sein, auch wenn ich das Display zum Wochenstart nach links schieben muss. Aber die beiden übereinander liegenden Kurben irritieren total.
Jan 30, 2022
Hallo Thomas! In der Darstellung Woche/Monat/Jahr wird der Minimal- und der maximalwert dargestellt. Viele Grüße, Volker
Jan 31, 2022
Is it possible to automate the weather station with an action to your Eve Thermo, eg. "if humidity below x%, turn on heating by x degrees"? If it is possible, I guess it wouldn't be possible via products from other vendors (via IFTTT)?
Dec 20, 2021
Hello Dieter! You may set such an automation/rule, even though Eve Thermo can't be controlled by a room thermostat or external sensor. The trigger could be humidity <= 30% and the scene set the target temperature to XY degrees. Best regards, Volker
Dec 21, 2021
Grant Burton
Id like a desktop app (not iOS) that shows me the temp / humidy etc, for both my eve weather and eve home ALL THE TIME, is there a way to show this like the iOS apps that have a graph etc... for desktop (mac)??
Dec 18, 2021
Hi Grant! You could use the app Home on the Mac. Or even Eve but this would require a M1 Mac. Best regards, Volker
Dec 18, 2021
Frank Uhlenbrock
Eve weather meldet konstant 97% Luftfeuchtigkeit….auch nach mehrmaligen zurücksetzen. Ist das ein bekanntes Problem (und damit auch ein Reklamationsgrund)…oder gibt es Abhilfe?
Dec 17, 2021
Hallo Frank! Bitte öffnen Sie ein Ticket in unserem Support-System:
Vielen Dank, Volker
Dec 18, 2021
ist es möglich über eve-weather ab einer gewissen Temperatur eine eve-energy Steckdose anzuschalten?
Dec 10, 2021
Hallo Stefan! Du kannst in Eve eine Automation/Regel anlegen, die etwa bei >=25C (Auslöser) ein Eve Energy einschaltet (Szene). Viele Grüße, Volker
Dec 11, 2021
Hallo Volker, wo ich gerade die schöne Gestaltung des Eve Weathers in der Eve App sehe:
Wäre es nicht langsam Zeit, auf iPhone und iPad Widgets zu bringen?
Fände ich toll, wenn ich die Außentemperatur und den Luftdrucktrend sofort im Widget auf dem HomeScreen sehen könnte! VG, Jörg
Dec 2, 2021
Hallo Jörg, ich reiche den Wunsch mal an die Kollegen weiter. Viele Grüße, Volker
Dec 3, 2021
Hi Jörg,
Die Anfrage für die Eve Weather Widget ist 6 Monate alt. Gibt es jetzt etwas Neues dazu? Danke. Serge
Jun 19, 2022
Hallo Serge! Das geht technisch mit iOS 15 nicht. Das ist ein inhärentes Problem des HomeKit-Zugriffs. Drittanbieter haben keinen Zugriff auf HomeKit, es sei denn, ihre App läuft aktiv im Vordergrund.
Die Hintergrundaktualisierung, die Widgets bieten, behebt dies nicht. HomeKit gibt nur veraltete Daten aus dem Zwischenspeicher zurück und nicht die aktuellen, gültigen Daten, die Sie eigentlich sehen möchten.
Dies ist eine Einschränkung von HomeKit: Widgets werden im Hintergrund aktualisiert. Als Entwickler haben wir keinen Zugriff auf Live-HomeKit-Daten im Hintergrund, sodass Widgets den aktuellen Status nur dann erhalten können, wenn eine andere HomeKit-App oder die Haupt-App selbst gestartet wurde, um den Cache zu aktualisieren.
Laut Ankündigen g wird sich das zumindest mit dem kommenden iOS 16 ändern. Viele Grüße, Volker
Jun 19, 2022
unterstützt die Eve Weather auch den neuen Standard 'Matter' und gibt es die App auch für Android?
Nov 30, 2021
Hallo Manfred! Wir haben gesagt, dass die Thread-fähigen Eve-Geräte Matter unterstützen werden. Mit den ersten Geräten mit Matter-Unterstützung rechnen wir Mitte 2022. Eine Android-Version der App Eve wird dafür nicht benötigt. Viele Grüße, Volker
Dec 1, 2021
Clinton Smith
Should Eve weather work straight away with HomePod mini or does it also require an additional thread enabled accessory?
I cannot get Eve weather to connect with anything after I have set up with iPhone and walked away from it I get the message accessory is unreachable in Eve app.
It is within 2 meters of HomePod mini.
Nov 25, 2021
Hello Clinton! Please try a tipp from Apple: Thread accessories might not use Thread following initial setup and instead use Bluetooth LE.
Workaround: Move the accessory near the home hub, then toggle the accessory state several times.
This means please pull out the battery for one minute and put it back then. Best regards, Volker
Nov 26, 2021
Helga Wiegelmann
kann die wetterstation auch die Lichtverhältnisse messen, so dass man eine Automation einrichten könnte, die Licht einschaltet, wenn es dunkel wird?
Nov 17, 2021
Hallo Helga! Eve Weather enthält keinen Sensor zur Messung des Lichtes, sorry. Viele Grüße, Volker
Nov 18, 2021
When I setup an automation with the weather trend from Eve Weather as a trigger, how often will this trigger fire? Only when the value changes (e.g. from sunny to cloudy) or will it trigger every time a value is recorded for the barometric pressure?
Aug 31, 2021
Hello Ester! When using automations/rules in Eve you may pich one of the four trends as the trigger, like the example you provided. Best regards, Volker
Sep 1, 2021
Hallo, wäre es möglich, dass die Eve App auch die absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit auswirft, um Regeln für automatische Belüftungen zu erstellen (z.B. automatische Belüftung nur einschalten, wenn die absolute Feuchte aussen kleiner als innen ist)? Nur so wäre gewährleistet, dass man sich keine Feuchtigkeit ins Haus holt.
Viele Grüße Stefan
Aug 24, 2021
Hallo Stefan! Eve Weather misst die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit, nicht die absolute, sorry. Viele Grüße, Volker
Aug 25, 2021
Dear Eve, I have installed an Eve-Weather in my house and I have noticed that the temperature is always 2 degrees higher than real one. Is there any way to re-calibrate the Eve-weather to the right measure?
Thanks in advance for your support. Regards,
Aug 10, 2021
Hello Alberto! Please make sure Eve Weather is never exposed to direct sunlight. And make sure to have a good temperature sensor to compare with. The accuracy ± 0.3 °C / ± 0.54 °F, ± 3% Humidity, ± 1 mbar / 0.03
inHg. There is no way to calibrate, sorry. Best regards, Volker
Aug 11, 2021
Hi Volker

Actually the Thread-enabled Eve Weather is off (warmer) 1-1,5 degrees when temperatures are around zero or below. I have two of them and soft-reset does not help either. My other outside thermometers are of different type and they report consistently lower temperatures. I have in vicinity local university Physics department and they have set up scientific local weather station and that reports lower temperatures too. Having programmed some thermometer chips myself I can speculate that the sensitivity of the chip used in Weather is not linear and it is possible to compensate the chip readings in extremes by adding or subtracting to the hex/binary value of the output.
Nov 28, 2021
Hello TS! Eve Weather (2021) has an accuracy ± 0.3 °C / ± 0.54 °F, ± 3% Humidity, ± 1 mbar / 0.03
inHg. While Eve Weather has a display and sensors that are designed to withstand whatever the weather throws at it (temperatures of -18 °C to +55 °C [0 °F to 130 °F], humidity levels of 0% to 100%, air pressure levels of 260 to 1260 mbar [7.7 to 37.2 inHg], and is armed with IPX4 water resistance), you still need to keep a few things in mind when setting up your Eve Weather to avoid false measurements. If you place your accessory in direct sunlight, it’ll heat up the housing and the surface on which you’ve positioned your accessory. You’re better off choosing a well-ventilated spot that’s always in the shade such as the north-facing side of your home. You should also avoid placing Eve Weather too close to the ground — instead, position it ideally 2 meters [6 feet] above ground level. You can even mount your Eve Weather on a tree, although be sure to protect your accessory from direct rain by locating it under something such as a bird house. Best regards, Volker
Nov 29, 2021
Hi Volker, thank you for the reply. I do know the device spec. Also I am perfectly aware that the Sun radiates heat and in my case Eve Weather is under the car shelter's roof, around 2,2 meters from the ground and the place is well ventilated, shed's sides are open. The sun _cannot_ reach the device. In addition to that the weather here is not sunny at all, rather cloudy and snowy, temperature at the moment is -4,3 C. But the Weather thinks its -2,8. I am a bit puzzled.
Nov 29, 2021
Sehe ich es eigentlich richtig, dass Eve keinerlei Herstellergarantie für seine Produkte anbietet?
Jul 3, 2021
Hallo Stefan! Natürlich bietet Eve Systems ein Jahr Garantie, zudem gilt die 2-jährige Gewährleistung beim Kauf in Deutschland. Die Gewährleistung wird vom Händler erfüllt, wo Du das Gerät erworben hast. Wenn es bei uns erworben wurde, erfüllen wir natürlich. Viele Grüße, Volker
Jul 4, 2021
Marcel Rameil
Mein Eve Weather ist seit ca. einer Woche in Betrieb und funktioniert soweit zuverlässig. Ein Export der Messdaten im JSON-Format wäre noch hilfreich um die Daten anderweitig zuverarbeiten. Wäre es außerdem möglich die Messdaten automatisch auf einen WebDAV-Server zu sichern?
Jun 21, 2021
Hallo Marcel! Das Laden der historischen Daten kann nur erfolgen, rufst Du das Gerät in der App Eve auf, das geht leider nicht im Hintergrund oder automatisch. Das Excel-Format ist der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner. Viele Grüße, Volker
Jun 21, 2021
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